Babies like playing with soft toys, which must be cleaned and washed after being knocked around and spilt on. Even some infants get into the bad habit of putting their toys in their mouths. You should prevent your babies from playing with contaminated soft toys since these toys might make them unwell and contagious.

Soft toys should always be cleaned regularly to protect kids from disease and germs. After a playdate with other infants or an illness, you might also wish to wash or disinfect your kids’ soft toys. Soft toys must be cleaned promptly if they seem unclean or once a week since toys can spread harmful germs.

soft toys

In general, soft toys are simple to wash. But certain soft toys, such as those with electrical parts or bells like soft rattles, are more sensitive than others and cannot be laundered in a washing machine. These plush toys cannot be submerged in water. Instead, you may wipe these toys down with a moist towel to clean them. Buy a soft toy that can be machine washed somewhat if you don’t have time to hand wash it. Be aware that these cleaning suggestions are just for a routine cleaning—not for disinfection after sickness.

Washing Machine

Most plush toys can be washed in a machine. However, before assuming that yours may be machine passed, read the toy manufacturer’s care instructions. Using a washing machine to clean soft toys is the most practical option for busy parents. If your soft toys can be washed in a machine, use cold water and the gentle cycle. Make as much use of mild detergent as you can. Regular detergents are also OK, but avoid using excessive amounts because doing so might cause the colours of your soft toys to fade. Even worse, any soap residue left behind could irritate your skin. Use an old pillowcase and a pipe cleaner to seal it if you don’t have a mesh washing bag.

Hand Wash

Do not worry if your soft toys cannot be washed in a washing machine. Instead, you may pass them by hand. Start by completely submerging your plush toys in a sink or pail of water. Use ordinary detergent or mild no-rinse detergent. Your soft toys will be saturated with water and detergent if you pump them. Before rinsing, let the soft toy soak for 20 minutes to an hour. Follow the care directions to find out how long you may immerse your soft toys. Some soft toys contain sensitive fibres; thus, engaging them in water for an extended period may harm them. Make careful to thoroughly rinse, removing all traces of water and detergent.


Your soft toys may be dried in a few different ways. You may run dry, use a hair dryer on the lowest setting, or let your hair air dry overnight. Don’t expose your soft toys to the sun for too long when drying them in the sun since they could lose their colour.

Cleaning toys with electronic components

Spot treatment is the preferred way to clean toys that cannot be soaked because they include electrical or musical components. Spot treatment is washing the toy’s exterior with a damp cloth and a light soap to clean the toy’s surface. Karpas advises using dish or hands soap that foams. She explained, “The objective is to avoid saturating the inner filling. It’s less thick and concentrated, so it takes less effort and moisture to remove a small amount of foamy soap than a tiny bit of ordinary soap.

What is required

Use these tools to clean baby’s toys at home or on the move.

If your child has sensitive skin, you may want to pick a mild, hypoallergenic alternative like Dreft Liquid Baby Detergent ($20 for a two-pack on Amazon). However, you don’t have to spend extra money on a baby-specific brand.

Washing a favourite stuffed animal in a laundry mesh bag? A mesh bag helps prevent little buttons or plastic eyes from disappearing in the dryer and washer.

Dish soap:

You may use mild dish soap to clean a lot of wooden or plastic toys. What to Expect community’s parents love this one from Babyganics.

Wipes for disinfection:

 Wipes for disinfection eliminate viruses and germs. Parents in the WTE community appreciate Seventh Generation’s parents.

How frequently should infant toys be cleaned?

According to Ek, you should wash a toy off if it is obviously dirty—for instance if you can see food or dirt on it. Similarly, it’s a good idea to disinfect anything a sick person in your home has touched at least once a day to help stop the spread of germs.

But there’s no need to don heavy-duty gloves. Most household bacteria aren’t very hazardous, and exposing your kid to some of them may even strengthen his immune system and help him ward off diseases.

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